Avoidable Adverse Events Related to Ignoring the Do-Not-Do Recommendations: A Retrospective Cohort Study Conducted in the Spanish Primary Care Setting

Por: Mira JJ, Carrillo I, Pérez-Pérez P, Astier-Peña MP, Caro-Mendivelso J, Olivera G, Silvestre C, Nuín MA, Aranaz-Andrés JM and on behalf the SOBRINA Research Team

Publicada: 1 dic 2021 Ahead of Print: 7 abr 2021
Objective This study aimed to measure the frequency and severity of avoidable adverse events (AAEs) related to ignoring do-not-do recommendations (DNDs) in primary care. Methods A retrospective cohort study analyzing the frequency and severity of AAEs related to ignoring DNDs (7 from family medicine and 3 from pediatrics) was conducted in Spain. Data were randomly extracted from computerized electronic medical records by a total of 20 general practitioners and 5 pediatricians acting as reviewers; data between February 2018 and September 2019 were analyzed. Results A total of 2557 records of adult and pediatric patients were reviewed. There were 1859 (72.7%) of 2557 (95% confidence interval [CI], 71.0%-74.4%) DNDs actions in 1307 patients (1507 were performed by general practitioners and 352 by pediatricians). Do-not-do recommendations were ignored more often in female patients (P < 0.0001). Sixty-nine AAEs were linked to ignoring DNDs (69/1307 [5.3%]; 95% CI, 4.1%-6.5%). Of those, 54 (5.1%) of 1062 were in adult patients (95% CI, 3.8%-6.4%) and 15 (6.1%) of 245 in pediatric patients (95% CI, 3.1%-9.1%). In adult patients, the majority of AAEs (51/901 [5.7%]; 95% CI, 4.2%-7.2%) occurred in patients 65 years or older. Most AAEs were characterized by temporary minor harm both in adult patients (28/54 [51.9%]; 95% CI, 38.5%-65.2%) and pediatric patients (15/15 [100%]). Conclusions These findings provide a new perspective about the consequences of low-value practices for the patients and the health care systems. Ignoring DNDs could place patients at risk, and their safety might be unnecessarily compromised.

 From the Health District Alicante-Sant Joan, Alicante Miguel Hernández University, Elche Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of Valencia Region (FISABIO), Sant Joan d'Alacant Patient Safety Observatory, Andalusian Agency for Health Care Quality, Seville Family and Community Medicine, "La Jota" Health Centre, Zaragoza I Sector, Aragonese Health Service (SALUD) University of Zaragoza, Aragon Health Research Institute (IISA), Zaragoza Agency for Health Quality and A
ISSN: 15498425

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Ltd., United States, Estados Unidos America
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 17 Número: 8
Páginas: 858-865
WOS Id: 000723781400032
ID de PubMed: 34009877
imagen hybrid, Green Published