A Cross-Sectional Study of Seroprevalence of Strongyloidiasis in Pregnant Women (Peruvian Amazon Basin)

Por: Ortiz-Martinez, S, Ramos-Rincon, J, Vasquez-Chasnamote, M, Alarcon-Baldeon, J, Parraguez-de-la-Cruz, J, Gamboa-Paredes, O, Schillyk-Guerra, P, Espinoza-Venegas, L, Pinedo-Cancino, V, Perez-Tanoira, R, Gorgolas-Hernandez-Mora, M, Casapia-Morales, M, Ramos-Rincon, M, Gimeno, A, Llenas-Garcia, J, Gorgolas-Hernandez-Mora, M, Perez-Tanoira, R, Prieto, L, Ortiz-Martinez, S, Vasquez-Chasnamote, M, Gamboa-Paredes, O, Alarcon-Baldeon, J, Schillyk-Guerra, P, Bardales-Vasquez, J, Perez-Bardales, G, Silva, A, Pezo-Flores, R, Espinoza-Venegas, L, Cancino, V, Morales, M and Spanish-Peruvian Chagas HTLV Stron

Publicada: 1 may 2020
Strongyloidiasis is a soil-transmitted helminthiasis with a high global prevalence. Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of Strongyloides stercoralis infection and assess strongyloidiasis serology as a screening technique in the Peruvian Amazon. Material and Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study of strongyloidiasis in 300 pregnant women in Iquitos (Peru) from 1 May 2019 to 15 June 2019. Women were tested using serology (Strongyloides IgG IVD-ELISA kit) as an index test and the modified Baermann technique and/or charcoal fecal culture as the parasitological reference standard. Results: The reference tests showed S. stercoralis in the stool of 30 women (prevalence: 10%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 7.1% to 13.9%), while 101 women tested positive on the blood test (prevalence: 33.7%; 95% CI 28.6% to 39.4%). Fourteen of the 15 women (93.3%) with positive results according to the modified Baermann technique, and 14 of the 23 women (56.5%) with positive charcoal cultures also had positive serological results. Serology showed a sensitivity of 63.3% and a negative predictive value of 94.4%. Conclusion: In Iquitos, pregnant women have a high prevalence of S stercoralis. S. stercoralis ELISA could be an excellent tool for population-based screening, as it has a high negative predictive value that can help to rule out the presence of active infection.

Ortiz-Martinez, S:
 Serv Salud Castellano Manchego, Consultorio El Ballestero, Albacete 2614, Spain

 Consultorio El Ballestero, Albacete, Spain

Ramos-Rincon, J:
 Univ Miguel Hernandez Elche, Dept Med Clin, Alicante 03550, Spain

 Hosp Gen Univ Alicante, Serv Med Interna, Alicante 03010, Spain

Vasquez-Chasnamote, M:
 Univ Nacl Amazonia Peruana, Ctr Invest Recursos Nat, Iquitos 16001, Peru

Alarcon-Baldeon, J:
 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Lab Clin, Iquitos 16001, Peru

Parraguez-de-la-Cruz, J:
 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Lab Clin, Iquitos 16001, Peru

Gamboa-Paredes, O:
 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Asistente Invest, Iquitos 16001, Peru

Schillyk-Guerra, P:
 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Lab Clin, Iquitos 16001, Peru

 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Iquitos, Peru

Espinoza-Venegas, L:
 Hosp Reg Loreto, Serv Enfermedades Infecciosas & Med Trop, Iquitos 16001, Peru

Pinedo-Cancino, V:
 Univ Nacl Amazonia Peruana, Lab Biol Mol & Inmunol, Unidad Especializada LIPNAA CIRNA, Iquitos 16001, Peru

Perez-Tanoira, R:
 Hosp Univ Principe Asturias, Serv Microbiol, Alcala De Henares 28802, Spain

 Hosp Univ Fdn Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Gorgolas-Hernandez-Mora, M:
 Hosp Univ Fdn Jimenez Diaz, Div Enfermedades Infecciosas, Madrid 28040, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Madrid, Dept Med, Madrid 28029, Spain

 Hosp Univ Fdn Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Casapia-Morales, M:
 Hosp Reg Loreto, Serv Enfermedades Infecciosas & Med Trop, Iquitos 16001, Peru

 Assoc Civ Selva Amazon, Dept Med, Iquitos 16001, Peru

 Univ Nacl Amazonia Peruana, Fac Med, Iquitos 496, Peru

Ramos-Rincon, M:
 Hosp Gen Univ Alicante, Alicante, Spain

 Univ Miguel Hernandez, Alicante, Spain

Gimeno, A:
 Hosp Gen Univ Alicante, Alicante, Spain

 Univ Miguel Hernandez, Alicante, Spain

 Hosp Vega Baja, Orihuela, Spain

Gorgolas-Hernandez-Mora, M:
 Hosp Univ Fdn Jimenez Diaz, Div Enfermedades Infecciosas, Madrid 28040, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Madrid, Dept Med, Madrid 28029, Spain

 Hosp Univ Fdn Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Perez-Tanoira, R:
 Hosp Univ Principe Asturias, Serv Microbiol, Alcala De Henares 28802, Spain

 Hosp Univ Fdn Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Prieto, L:
 Hosp Univ Fdn Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Autonoma Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Ortiz-Martinez, S:
 Serv Salud Castellano Manchego, Consultorio El Ballestero, Albacete 2614, Spain

 Consultorio El Ballestero, Albacete, Spain

Vasquez-Chasnamote, M:
 Univ Nacl Amazonia Peruana, Ctr Invest Recursos Nat, Iquitos 16001, Peru

Gamboa-Paredes, O:
 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Iquitos, Peru

Alarcon-Baldeon, J:
 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Iquitos, Peru

Schillyk-Guerra, P:
 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Lab Clin, Iquitos 16001, Peru

 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Iquitos, Peru

Bardales-Vasquez, J:
 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Iquitos, Peru

Perez-Bardales, G:
 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Iquitos, Peru

Silva, A:
 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Iquitos, Peru

Pezo-Flores, R:
 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Iquitos, Peru

Espinoza-Venegas, L:
 Hosp Reg Loreto, Iquitos, Peru

Cancino, V:
 Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Iquitos, Peru

 Univ Nacl Amazonia Peruana, Lab Biol Mol & Inmunol, Unidad Especializada, Iquitos, Peru

Morales, M:
 Univ Nacl Amazonia Peruana, Hosp Reg Loreto, Iquitos, Peru

 Univ Nacl Amazonia Peruana, Assoc Civil Selva Amazon, Iquitos, Peru
ISSN: 20760817

Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 9 Número: 5
WOS Id: 000541443700031
ID de PubMed: 32375325
imagen gold, Green Published