Cost-effectiveness of different strategies for screening and treatment ofStrongyloides stercoralisin migrants from endemic countries to the European Union
Wikman-Jorgensen PE, Llenas-Garcia J, Shedrawy J, Gascon J, Muñoz J, Bisoffi Z and Requena-Mendez A
1 may 2020
Background The best strategy for controlling morbidity due to imported strongyloidiasis in migrants is unclear. We evaluate the cost-effectiveness of six possible interventions. Methods We developed a stochastic Markov chain model. The target population was adult migrants from endemic countries to the European Union; the time horizon, a lifetime and the perspective, that of the health system. Average and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ACER and ICER) were calculated as 2016 EUR/life-year gained (LYG). Health interventions compared were: base case (no programme), primary care-based presumptive treatment (PCPresTr), primary care-based serological screening and treatment (PCSerTr), hospital-based presumptive treatment (HospPresTr), hospital-based serological screening and treatment (HospSerTr), hospital-based presumptive treatment of immunosuppressed (HospPresTrim) and hospital-based serological screening and treatment of the immunosuppressed (HospSerTrim). The willingness to pay threshold (WTP) was euro32 126.95/LYG. Results The base case model yielded a loss of 2 486 708.24 life-years and cost EUR 3 238 393. Other interventions showed the following: PCPresTr: 2 488 095.47 life-years (Delta 1 387.23LYG), cost: EUR 8 194 563; ACER: EUR 3573/LYG; PCSerTr: 2 488 085.8 life-years (Delta 1377.57LYG), cost: EUR 207 679 077, ACER: EUR 148 407/LYG; HospPresTr: 2 488 046.17 life-years (Delta 1337.92LYG), cost: EUR 14 559 575; ACER: EUR 8462/LYG; HospSerTr: 2 488 024.33 life-years (Delta 1316.08LYG); cost: EUR 207 734 073; ACER: EUR 155 382/LYG; HospPresTrim: 2 488 093.93 life-years, cost: EUR 1 105 483; ACER: EUR -1539/LYG (cost savings); HospSerTrim: 2 488 073.8 life-years (Delta 1365.55LYG), cost: EUR 4 274 239; ACER: EUR 759/LYG. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were undertaken; HospPresTrim remained below WTP for all parameters' ranges and iterations. Conclusion Presumptively treating all immunosuppressed migrants from areas with endemicStrongyloideswould generate cost savings to the health system.
Medicina Interna, Hospital Universitari San Juan de Alicante, San Juan de Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Foundation for the Promotion of the Research in Healthcare and Biomedicine, Valencia, Spain
Medicina Interna/Enfermedades Infecciosas, Hospital Vega Baja-FISABIO, San Bartolome-Orihuela, Alicante, Spain
Clinical Medicine, Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche Facultad de Medicina, Sant Joan D'Alacant, Spain
Shedrawy J:
Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
Gascon J:
ISGlobal, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Muñoz J:
ISGlobal, Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain
Bisoffi Z:
Infectious Tropical Diseases and Microbiology, IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital, Negrar, Veneto, Italy
Diagnostics and Public Health, University of Verona, Verona, Veneto, Italy
Requena-Mendez A:
Instituto de Salud Global Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine-Solna, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Green Published, gold