Programa de prevencion del cancer de mama en la Comunidad Valenciana. Resultados 1992-1993.

Por: Salas Trejo D, Moya García C, Herranz Fernández C, Ibánez Cabanell J, Miranda García J, Polo Esteve A, Vizoso Villares R, Cuevas Cuerda MD and Vizcaíno Esteve I

Publicada: 1 ene 1995
In 1992, a breast cancer screening program was implemented by the General Directorate of Health of the Autonomous Government of Valencia. This program was aimed to decrease the mortality caused by breast cancer in a 30% on those women submitted to the program. The program was implemented, in 1992 and 1993, and with this purpose five units of breast cancer screening were set up in five Health Areas. This paper presents our preliminary results of this program, from april 1992 to december 1993.

 Dirección General de Salud Publica, Valencia
ISSN: 00348899

Revista De Sanidad E Higiene Publica
Tipo de documento: Abstract of Published Item
Volumen: 69 Número: 1
Páginas: 59-69
ID de PubMed: 7644883