Associations and community health workers: analysis and time trends over ten years of training-action
López-Sánchez MP, Roig Sena FJ, Sánchez Cánovas MI, Vera-Remartínez EJ, Castro-Rojas L, Cassetti V and Paredes-Carbonell JJ
1 may 2021
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1 may 2021
Public health, environmental and occupational health
Objective: To analyse the profile of the persons and associations that participated in the course, quantify peer education activities and analyse their evolution. Method: A quantitative study using an analysis of the course records from 2009 to 2018 was designed for this purpose inside mihsalud program designed to promote health amongst persons in vulnerable situations in the city of Valencia (Spain). It offers a yearly training-action course of community health workers (CHW) that is attended by persons who have been proposed by associations. The associations were defined according to their population (immigrant, local or intercultural) and the CHWs according to gender, country of birth, year of course, association and continuity after training. Means and confidence intervals were calculated at 95% and a bivariate analysis was conducted in order to compare the activities that took place in 2009 to 2013 with those of 2014 to 2018. The time trends were analysed by applying linear regression models that included the different years studied as the dependent variable. Results: 201 CHW of 31 nationalities were trained, 81.6% (95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 75.5-86.7] were women. Eighty-two associations participated, 51.2% (95% CI: 39.9-62.4] worked with culturally diverse populations. Participation by associations (p = .017) and CHWs (p = .377) increased in a statistically significant manner over the years. After the course, 35.3% (95% CI: 28.7-42.4] of the CHWs continued to collaborate voluntarily in the associations. Conclusions: The results of the CHW training-action course improve over time given that a significant increase in participation by associations and women can be seen, along with a greater number of activities completed during the training. One effect of this is that CHWs are contracted or carry out voluntary activities in the associations. ? 2019 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espa?a, S.L.U. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Objetivo: Analizar el perfil de las personas y asociaciones que participaron en los cursos, cuantificar las actividades de educaci?n entre iguales y analizar su evoluci?n. M?todo: Se dise?? un estudio cuantitativo utilizando un an?lisis de los registros del curso de 2009 a 2018, dentro del programa mihsalud dise?ado para promover la salud entre las personas en situaci?n de vulnerabilidad en la ciudad de Valencia (Espa?a). Anualmente se ofrece un curso de formaci?n-acci?n para agentes de salud de base comunitaria (ASBC), al que asisten personas propuestas por asociaciones. Las asociaciones se definieron seg?n su poblaci?n (inmigrantes, locales o interculturales) y los ASBC seg?n el g?nero, el pa?s de nacimiento, el a?o de curso, la asociaci?n y la continuidad despu?s de la capacitaci?n. Las medias y los intervalos de confianza se calcularon al 95% y se realiz? un an?lisis bivariado para comparar las actividades que tuvieron lugar en 2009 a 2013 con las de 2014 a 2018. Las tendencias temporales se analizaron aplicando modelos de regresi?n lineal que incluyeron el estudio de diferentes a?os como la variable dependiente.
Public Health Centre of Valencia, General Directorate of Public Health, Council of Universal Healthcare and Public Health, Regional Government of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Roig Sena FJ:
General Directorate of Public Health, Council of Universal Healthcare and Public Health, Regional Government of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Sánchez Cánovas MI:
Águilas Sur Health Centre, Águilas (Murcia), Spain
Vera-Remartínez EJ:
Castellón I Prison, Castellón, Spain
Castro-Rojas L:
ACOEC Association - MIHSALUD Program, Valencia, Spain
Cassetti V:
University of Sheffield, ScHARR, Sheffield, United Kingdom
PACAP, Regional Government of Valencia, Spain
Public Health Centre of Alzira, Council of Universal Healthcare and Public Health, Regional Government of Valencia, Alzira (Valencia), Spain
FISABIO Foundation, Valencia, Spain
Green Accepted, gold