Evaluación de dos sistemas cerrados en el proceso de elaboración de quimioterapia parenteral.
Gómez-Álvarez S, Porta-Oltra B, Hernandez-Griso M, Pérez-Labaña F and Climente-Martí M
1 ene 2016
Ahead of Print:
1 ene 2016
OBJECTIVE: to assess the impact of two closed-system drug transfer device on the local and environmental contamination and preparation times in the process of preparation of parenteral chemotherapy compared to the standard system. METHOD: prospective observational study. Two different closed- systems providers, Care Fusion® and Icu Medical®, were compared to standard preparation. 15 nurses of Pharmacy Department prepared 5 preparations each one, one with the standard procedure and four using closed-systems. To evaluate the contamination, a fluorescein solution 0.5% was prepared. Two kind of contamination were evaluated, local (three points connection: closed-system connect vial, syringe and final infusion bags) and environmental (gloves and countertop). Percentage of contaminated preparations was obtained in each one. Time taken by each nurse in each preparation was recorded. RESULTS: 75 preparations were prepared. Local contamination was reduced 21% and 75% in closed-system Icu Medical® and Care Fusion® respectively. Care Fusion® closed system, local contamination was significantly lower than the standard system to the vial, syringe and final package, while Icu Medical® closed-systems only was significantly lower in the connection to the vial. Time of preparation was increased significantly with the use of closed-system between 23.4 and 30.5 seconds. CONCLUSIONS: both closed-systems drug transfer device have shown an improvement in contamination than the use of the standard system. However, preparation time has been significantly increased with the use of both systems.
Gómez-Álvarez S:
Sevicio de Farmacia Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset, Valencia. España..
Porta-Oltra B:
Sevicio de Farmacia Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset, Valencia. España..
Sevicio de Farmacia Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset, Valencia. España..
Sevicio de Farmacia Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset, Valencia. España..
Climente-Martí M:
Sevicio de Farmacia Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset, Valencia. España..
Open Access