Creation of the SAQ-COPD Questionnaire to Determine Physical Activity in COPD Patients in Clinical Practice
Soler-Cataluña JJ, Puente Maestu L, Román-Rodríguez M, Esteban C, Gea J, Bernabeu Mora R, Pleguezuelos Cobo E, Ancochea J, Monteagudo Ruiz G and Garcia Rio F
1 sep 2018
Ahead of Print:
13 mar 2018
Pulmonary and respiratory medicine
Introduction: Physical activity (PA) is a significant clinical dimension in COPD, but no useful tools are available to determine this variable in routine clinical practice.
Objective: To create a simple, easy-to-use, specific questionnaire to detect PA deficits.
Method: A multidisciplinary panel of COPD experts was formed to review PA, its determinants, and measuring methods. The methodology for selecting specific dimensions and items was agreed in rounds, and the aspects to be included in the preliminary version were determined. The questionnaire structure was defined according to applicability of these aspects in clinical practice. Agreements were reached by consensus of the members.
Results: A total of 148 items were reviewed, of which only 3 were directly selected. It was decided that the questionnaire should evaluate the intensity (low, moderate, or intense), amount, and frequency of PA, and inactivity or sedentary lifestyles. It also gathers information on the profile of inactive patients, and includes a measure of impact, defined as the patient's perception of their expectations regarding activity, their personal experience, characteristics of their environment, and their personality. The questionnaire is divided into 2 blocks, one aimed at quantifying PA, and the other at collecting data for defining the profile and impact in patients with low PA only.
Conclusion: The SAQ-COPD is a simple, short, specific questionnaire, designed to evaluate PA in COPD patients in clinical practice. (C) 2018 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier Espafia, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
[Servicio de Neumología] Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, Valencia, España
CIBERES (ISCIII), Barcelona, España
Puente Maestu L:
Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Facultad de Medicina UCM, Madrid, España
Román-Rodríguez M:
Centro de Salud Son Pisa, Atención Primaria
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Baleares (IdISBa), Palma de Mallorca, España
Esteban C:
Hospital de Galdakao, Red de Investigación en Servicios Sanitarios y Enfermedades Crónicas (REDISSEC), Bilbao (Vizcaya), España
Gea J:
CIBERES (ISCIII), Barcelona, España
Hospital del Mar, IMIM, DCEXS (UPF), Barcelona, España
Bernabeu Mora R:
Hospital General Universitario Morales Meseguer, Murcia, España
Pleguezuelos Cobo E:
Hospital de Mataró, Mataró (Barcelona), España
Ancochea J:
Hospital La Princesa, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Princesa (IP), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, España
Monteagudo Ruiz G:
Astrazeneca S.A., Madrid, España
Garcia Rio F:
Hospital La Paz, IdiPAZ y CIBERES (ISCIII), Madrid, España