Recombinant human thyrotropin stimulation prior to I-131 therapy in toxic multinodular goitre with low radioactive iodine uptake
Azorín Belda MJ, Martínez Caballero A, Figueroa Ardila GC, Martínez Ramírez M, Gómez Jaramillo CA, Dolado Ardit JI and Verdú Rico J
1 ene 2017
Radiology, nuclear medicine and imaging
Aim: Stimulation with recombinant human thyrotropin (rhTSH) increases thyroid radioiodine uptake, and is an aid to 1311 therapy in non-toxic multinodular goitre (MNG). However, there are not many studies using rhTSH prior to 1311 in toxic multinodular goitre to improve hyperthyroidism and compressive symptoms.
Material and method: A prospective study was conducted on patients with MNG and hyperthyroidism. Patients were recruited consecutively and divided into group I, stimulated with 0.3 mg of rhTSH before radioiodine therapy, and a control group or group II, without stimulation. Thyroid function, radioiodine thyroid uptake, thyroid weight, and compressive symptoms were measured, and patients were followed up for 9 months.
Results: Group I consisted of 16 patients (14 women), with a mean age 69.7 years, and group II with 16 patients (12 women), with a mean age 70.7 years. After stimulation with 0.3 mg rhTSH in group I, 1311 uptake (RAIU) at 24h increased by 78.4%, and the estimated absorbed dose by 89.3%. In group II, the estimated absorbed dose was lower than group I after stimulation with rhTSH (29.8 Gy vs. 56.4 Gy; P=0.001).
At 9 months of follow-up, hyperthyroidism was controlled in 87.5% of patients in group I, and 56.2% in group II (P=0.049). The mean reduction in thyroid weight was higher in group I than in group II (39.3% vs. 26.9%; P=0.017), with a tendency towards subjective improvement of compressive symptoms in group I, although non-significant. Only 2 patients described tachycardias after rhTSH administration, which were resolved with beta-blockers.
Conclusion: Stimulation with 0.3 mg of recombinant human thyrotropin prior to radioiodine therapy achieves a reduction in thyroid weight and functional improvement in patients with hyperthyroidism and multinodular goitre with low uptake, and with no need for hospital admission. (C) 2016 Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. y SEMNIM. All rights reserved.
Hospital Universitario de San Juan de Alicante, San Juan de Alicante, España
Hospital Universitario de San Juan de Alicante, San Juan de Alicante, España
Hospital Universitario de San Juan de Alicante, San Juan de Alicante, España
Hospital Universitario de San Juan de Alicante, San Juan de Alicante, España
Hospital Universitario de San Juan de Alicante, San Juan de Alicante, España
Hospital Universitario de San Juan de Alicante, San Juan de Alicante, España
Hospital Universitario de San Juan de Alicante, San Juan de Alicante, España