[11C]-DASB microPET imaging in the aged rat: Frontal and meso-thalamic increases in serotonin transporter binding

Por: Hoekzema, E, Rojas, S, Herance, R, Pareto, D, Abad, S, Jimenez, X, Figueiras, F, Popota, F, Ruiz, A, Flotats, N, Fernandez, F, Rocha, M, Rovira, M, Victor, V and Gispert, J

Publicada: 1 dic 2011
Whereas molecular imaging studies in the aging human brain have predominantly demonstrated reductions in serotonin transporter (5-HTT) availability, the majority of the rodent studies, using autoradiographic methods, report increases in neural 5-HTT levels with age. To our knowledge, however, no previous rodent studies have assessed this topic in vivo, and therefore it remains unclear whether this discrepancy arises from methodological or inter-species differences. We performed an [C-11]-DASB microPET study to evaluate the effects of aging on 5-HTT availability in the rat brain. To generate binding potential estimates, quantitative tracer kinetic modeling was applied using the simplified reference tissue model. A global increase in whole-brain [C-11]-DASB binding potential was observed in the aged rats in comparison to the control group. More specifically, regional analyses revealed a highly significant increase in 5-HTT binding in the medial frontal cortex, and more modest increments in the midbrain/thalamus. Our results suggest that the frontal cortex represents a site of robust age-related alterations in the rat serotonergic system, and stress the need for further research assessing this topic in the human frontal cortex. Moreover, these findings suggest that the reported discrepancies between rodent and human data may reflect a divergence in the aging processes affecting human and rat serotonergic terminals. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Hoekzema, E:
 Univ Autonoma Barcelona, Dept Psiquiatria & Med Legal, Barcelona 08192, Spain

Rojas, S:
 CRC Corp Sanitaria, PRBB, Inst Alta Tecnol, Barcelona 08003, Spain

Herance, R:
 CRC Corp Sanitaria, PRBB, Inst Alta Tecnol, Barcelona 08003, Spain

Pareto, D:
 CRC Corp Sanitaria, PRBB, Inst Alta Tecnol, Barcelona 08003, Spain

 Ctr Invest Biomed Red Bioingn Biomat & Nanomed CI, Zaragoza 50018, Spain

Abad, S:
 CRC Corp Sanitaria, PRBB, Inst Alta Tecnol, Barcelona 08003, Spain

Jimenez, X:
 CRC Corp Sanitaria, PRBB, Inst Alta Tecnol, Barcelona 08003, Spain

Figueiras, F:
 CRC Corp Sanitaria, PRBB, Inst Alta Tecnol, Barcelona 08003, Spain

Popota, F:
 CRC Corp Sanitaria, PRBB, Inst Alta Tecnol, Barcelona 08003, Spain

Ruiz, A:
 CRC Corp Sanitaria, PRBB, Inst Alta Tecnol, Barcelona 08003, Spain

Flotats, N:
 CRC Corp Sanitaria, PRBB, Inst Alta Tecnol, Barcelona 08003, Spain

Fernandez, F:
 CRC Corp Sanitaria, PRBB, Inst Alta Tecnol, Barcelona 08003, Spain

 Univ Hosp Doctor Peset Fdn, Valencia 46017, Spain

 CIBERehd, Valencia 46017, Spain

Rovira, M:
 CRC Corp Sanitaria, Barcelona 08006, Spain

 Univ Hosp Doctor Peset Fdn, Valencia 46017, Spain

 CIBERehd, Valencia 46017, Spain

 Univ Valencia, Dept Physiol, Valencia 46010, Spain

Gispert, J:
 CRC Corp Sanitaria, PRBB, Inst Alta Tecnol, Barcelona 08003, Spain

 Ctr Invest Biomed Red Bioingn Biomat & Nanomed CI, Zaragoza 50018, Spain
ISSN: 05315565

Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 46 Número: 12
Páginas: 1020-1025
WOS Id: 000297891900009
ID de PubMed: 21983171