Predictive and prognostic clinical and pathological factors of nivolumab efficacy in non-small-cell lung cancer patients

Por: Garde-Noguera J, Martin-Martorell P, De Julian M, Perez-Altozano J, Salvador-Coloma C, Garcia-Sanchez J, Insa-Molla A, Martin M, Mielgo-Rubio X, Marin-Liebana S, Blasco-Cordellat A, Blasco-Molla S, Girones R, Marquez-Medina D, Aparisi F, Cerda MCB, Macia-Escalante S, Sanchez A and Juan-Vidal O

Publicada: 1 ago 2018 Ahead of Print: 24 ene 2018
Immunotherapy increases overall response rate (ORR) and overall survival (OS) in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Prognostic and predictive factors are a high need. Retrospective review of NSCLC patients treated with nivolumab was performed. Analyzed variables included age, sex, stage, performance status (PS), location of metastases, presence of tumour-related symptoms and comorbidities, number of metastasis locations, previous chemotherapy, anti-angiogenic and radiotherapy treatments, and analytical data from the standard blood count and biochemistry. A total of 175 patients were included. Median age was 61.5 years, 73.1% were men, 77.7% were ECOG-PS 0-1, and 86.7% were included with stage IV disease. Histology was non-squamous in 77.1%. Sixty-five received nivolumab in second line (37.1%). Thirty-eight patients had brain metastasis (22%), and 39 (22.3%) liver metastasis and 126 (72%) had more than one metastatic location. The ORR was 15.7% with median Progression free survival (PFS) 2.8 months and median OS 5.81 months. Stage III vs IV and time since the beginning of the previous line of treatment 6 vs < 6 months were associated with better response. PS 2, time since the previous line of treatment < 6 vs 6 months, and more than one metastatic location were independently associated with shorter OS in multivariable analysis (7.8 vs 2.7 months, 11.2 vs 4.6 months, and 9.4 vs 5.1 month). Finally, time since the previous treatment < 6 vs 6 months and more than one metastatic location were independently associated with shorter PFS in multivariable analysis (4.3 vs 2.3 months and 4.7 vs 2.3 months). Poor PS, short period of time since the previous treatment, and more than one metastatic location were associated with poorer prognostic.

 Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, C/Sant Climent, 12, 46015, Valencia, Spain.

Martin-Martorell P:
 University Hospital Clínic de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

De Julian M:
 Hospital Provincial de Castellon, Castellon, Spain

 Hospital General de Elche, Elche, Spain

Salvador-Coloma C:
 Hospital Universitari I Politècnic La Fe, Valencia, Spain

 Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, C/Sant Climent, 12, 46015, Valencia, Spain

Insa-Molla A:
 University Hospital Clínic de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Martin M:
 Hospital Dr Peset, Valencia, Spain

Mielgo-Rubio X:
 Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón, Alcorcón, Spain

Marin-Liebana S:
 Hospital de Manises, Manises, Spain

Blasco-Cordellat A:
 Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

 Hospital de Sagunto, Sagunto, Spain

 Hospital Lluis Alcanyís, Xátiva, Spain

Marquez-Medina D:
 Hospital Arnau de Vilanova, Lleida, Spain

 Hospital Virgen de los Lirios, Alcoy, Spain

Cerda MCB:
 Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Macia-Escalante S:
 Pivotal CRO, Madrid, Spain

 Hospital Provincial de Castellon, Castellon, Spain

Juan-Vidal O:
 Hospital Universitari I Politècnic La Fe, Valencia, Spain
ISSN: 1699048X

Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 20 Número: 8
Páginas: 1072-1079
WOS Id: 000438705900014
ID de PubMed: 29368144