Expert-Agreed Practical Recommendations on the Use of Cladribine

Por: Meca-Lallana V, García Domínguez JM, López Ruiz R, Martín-Martínez J, Arés Luque A, Hernández Pérez MA, Prieto González JM, Landete Pascual L and Sastre-Garriga J

Publicada: 1 dic 2022 Ahead of Print: 1 sep 2022
Cladribine is a disease-modifying selective immune reconstitution oral therapy for adult patients with highly active relapsing multiple sclerosis (RMS). It was approved in the USA in 2019 and in Europe in 2017, thus there are still gaps in existing guidelines for using cladribine tablets in clinical practice. Nine experts with extensive experience in managing patients with multiple sclerosis in Spain identified some of the unanswered questions related to the real-life use of cladribine tablets. They reviewed the available clinical trial data and real-world evidence, including their own experiences of using cladribine, over the course of three virtual meetings held between November 2020 and January 2021. This article gathers their practical recommendations to aid treatment decision-making and optimise the use of cladribine tablets in patients with RMS. The consensus recommendations cover the following areas: candidate patient profiles, switching strategies (to and from cladribine), managing response to cladribine and safety considerations.

Meca-Lallana V:
 Multiple Sclerosis Unit, Department of Neurology, Hospital Universitario "La Princesa", Madrid, Spain.

García Domínguez JM:
 Demyelinating Diseases Unit, Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain

López Ruiz R:
 Multiple Sclerosis Unit, Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, Seville, Spain

Martín-Martínez J:
 Department of Neurology, Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, Saragossa, Spain

Arés Luque A:
 Neurology Department, Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León, León, Spain

Hernández Pérez MA:
 Hospital Universitario Ntra. Sra de Candelaria, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Prieto González JM:
 Neurology Unit, Hospital Clínico Universitario, Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña, Spain

 Neurology Department, Hospital Universitario Dr. Peset, Valencia, Spain

Sastre-Garriga J:
 Neurology Department, Centre d'Esclerosi Múltiple de Catalunya (Cemcat), Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, Barcelona, Spain
ISSN: 21938253

Neurology and Therapy
Springer Healthcare, New Zealand, Estados Unidos America
Tipo de documento: Editorial Material
Volumen: 11 Número: 4
Páginas: 1475-1488
WOS Id: 000850428800001
ID de PubMed: 36068429
imagen Green Published, gold


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