Nursing students faced with organ donation: Multicenter stratified national study

Por: Martinez-Alarcon, L, Balaguer, A, Santaines-Borreda, E, Agras-Suarez, M, de la Fuente, G, Hurtado-Pardos, B, Barcena-Calvo, C, Perello-Campaner, C, Arribas-Marin, J, Garcia-Mayor, S, Soto-Ruiz, M, Navalon, J, Bertran-Noguer, C, Pena-Amaro, M, Jimenez-Herrera, M, Blanco-Sanchez, R, Calvo-Sanchez, M, Prado-Laguna, M, Gonzalez-Garcia, A, Martinez-Rodriguez, A, Bas-Sarmiento, P, Faus-Gabande, F, Muinos-Alvarez, A, Peyro-Gregori, L, Hernandez-Martinez, H, Saez, A, Sanchez, A, Lopez-Navas, A, Ramirez, P, Rios, A and Proyect

Publicada: 1 ago 2022 Ahead of Print: 1 jul 2022
Aim: To analyze the attitude of university nursing students at Spanish universities toward organ donation and transplantation and the factors affecting to their attitude. Background: The opinion of future nurses toward organ transplant donation could have an important influence on the population. Knowing that opinion and what factors influence it is important to improve the attitude towards organ donation and transplantation. Design: A multicenter, sociological, interdisciplinary and observational study including university nursing diploma students in a complete academic year. Methods: Selected and randomized sample was taken of students from 52 of the 111 faculties and nursing schools and faculties in Spain with teaching activity Participants: A sample of 10,566 students was selected stratified by geographical area and year. Measurement instrument: The instrument used was a validated questionnaire of attitude toward organ donation and transplantation, self-administered and completed anonymously. Results: Completion rate: 85 % (n = 9001). Of the students surveyed, 78 % (n = 7040) would donate their organs after dying. Variables related to a favourable attitude: (1) Interest in listening to a talk about organ donation and transplantation [Odds ratio 1.66, 95 % confidence interval 2.05-1.35]; (2) Family discussion [Odds ratio 2.30, 95 % confidence interval 2.79-1.90] or discussion with friends about organ donation and transplantation [Odds ratio 1.56, 95 % confidence interval 1.86-1.31]; (3) Knowing that one's father [Odds ratio 1.54, 95 % confidence interval 1.94-1.22], mother's [Odds ratio 1.44, 95 % confidence interval 1.82-1.13] or partner [Odds ratio 1.28, 95 % confidence interval 1.60-1.03] has a favourable opinion; (4) Having a good self-assessment of information about organ donation and transplantation [Odds ratio 2.94, 95 % confidence interval 4.90-1.78]; (5) Not being worried about possible mutilation of the body after donation [Odds ratio 2.73, 95 % confidence interval 3.36-1.72]. Conclusions: Nursing students in Spain tend to have a favourable attitude toward organ donation and trans-plantation although more than 20 % of those surveyed are not in favour. Tweetable Abstract: To maintain a high rate of organ donation for organ transplantation, it is necessary to improve the social awareness of future generations of nurses towards organ donation.

Martinez-Alarcon, L:
 Virgen Arrixaca Univ Hosp, Dept Surg, Transplant Unit, Murcia, Spain

 Inst Murcia, Biomed Res, Murcia, Spain

Balaguer, A:
 Virgen Arrixaca Univ Hosp, Dept Surg, Transplant Unit, Murcia, Spain

 Inst Murcia, Biomed Res, Murcia, Spain

Santaines-Borreda, E:
 Univ Valencia, Fac Nursing, Nursing Dept, Valencia, Spain

Agras-Suarez, M:
 Univ Vigo, POVISA Univ, Sch Nursing, Vigo, Spain

de la Fuente, G:
 Univ Granada, Fac Hlth Sci, Nursing Dept, Granada, Spain

Hurtado-Pardos, B:
 Sant Joan Deu Teaching Campus, Barcelona, Spain

Barcena-Calvo, C:
 Univ Leon, Fac Hlth Sci, Dept Nursing & Physiotherapy, Nursing Area, Leon, Spain

Perello-Campaner, C:
 Univ Islas Baleares, Nursing & Physiotherapy Dept, Palma De Mallorca, Spain

Arribas-Marin, J:
 Comillas Pontifical Univ, Univ Sch Nursing & Physiotherapy San Juan Dios, Dept Hlth Sci, Madrid, Spain

Garcia-Mayor, S:
 Univ Malaga, Fac Hlth Sci, Nursing Dept, Malaga, Spain

Soto-Ruiz, M:
 Univ Publ Navarra, Hlth Sci Dept, Pamplona, Spain

 Vega Baja Hosp, Dept Gen Surg, Orihuela, Alicante, Spain

Bertran-Noguer, C:
 Univ Girona, Nursing Dept, Hlth & Hlth Care Res Grp, Girona, Spain

Pena-Amaro, M:
 Univ Jaen, Jaen, Spain

Jimenez-Herrera, M:
 Rovira i Virgili Univ, Nursing Dept, Tarragona, Spain

Blanco-Sanchez, R:
 Autonomous Univ Barcelona, Sch Med, Nursing Dept, UAB Campus, Cerdanyola Del Valles, Barcelona, Spain

Calvo-Sanchez, M:
 Univ Salamanca, Fac Law, Campus Miguel Unamuno, Salamanca, Spain

Prado-Laguna, M:
 Univ Castilla La Mancha, Nursing Fac, Ciudad Real Campus, La Mancha, Spain

Gonzalez-Garcia, A:
 Univ Castilla La Mancha, Cuenca Nursing Sch, La Mancha, Spain

Martinez-Rodriguez, A:
 Univ Basque Country, Fac Med & Nursing, Nursing Dept, Campus Leioa, Vizcaya, Spain

Bas-Sarmiento, P:
 Univ Cadiz, Fac Nursing, Cadiz, Spain

Faus-Gabande, F:
 Univ Valencia, Fac Nursing, Nursing Dept, Valencia, Spain

Muinos-Alvarez, A:
 Univ Vigo, POVISA Univ, Sch Nursing, Vigo, Spain

Peyro-Gregori, L:
 Ceu Cardenal Herrera Univ, Nursing Dept, Valencia, Spain

Hernandez-Martinez, H:
 Alcala Univ, Fac Med & Hlth Sci, Nursing & Physiotherapy Dept, Guadalajara, Spain

Saez, A:
 Inst Murcia, Biomed Res, Murcia, Spain

Sanchez, A:
 Univ Murcia, Fac Nursing, Nursing Dept, Murcia, Spain

Lopez-Navas, A:
 Univ Catolica San Antonio Murcia, Dept Psychol, Murcia, Spain

Ramirez, P:
 Virgen Arrixaca Univ Hosp, Dept Surg, Transplant Unit, Murcia, Spain

 Inst Murcia, Biomed Res, Murcia, Spain

Rios, A:
 Virgen Arrixaca Univ Hosp, Dept Surg, Transplant Unit, Murcia, Spain

 Inst Murcia, Biomed Res, Murcia, Spain

 Univ Virgen Arrixaca, Unidad Trasplantes, Proyecto Colaborat Int Donante, Hosp Clin, Murcia, Spain
ISSN: 18735223

Nurse Education in Practice
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 63 Número:
WOS Id: 000829488800002
ID de PubMed: 35797831