Study of antioxidant capacity and metabolization of quebracho and chestnut tannins through in vitro gastrointestinal digestion-fermentation

Por: Molino, S, Fernandez-Miyakawa, M, Giovando, S and Rufian-Henares, J

Publicada: 1 oct 2018
Quebracho (QUE) and chestnut (CHE) are natural sources of tannins, but there are no connection between QUE, CHE and human health. The study investigated the antioxidant response and metabolization of tannin extracts trough in vitro digestion-fermentation. The FRAP assay pointed a higher reducing capacity of CHE than QUE (6.90 vs. 5,07 mmol Trolox/g), in contrast to a stronger scavenging activity of QUE (8.16 mmol Trolox/g vs 6.70 mmol Trolox/g). The results obtained showed a decrease of the antioxidant capacity of tannins after microbial fermentation, but a high prebiotic activity through release of short-chain fatty acids of both CHE (11.14 mmol/g) and QUE (4.79 mmol/g) was observed. The UPLC-MS investigations on digested and fermented tannins gave an identification and semi-quantification of 18 compounds, including hydrolysable and condensed tannins and their metabolites. The results represent a valid basis for further studies on the potential use of these wood extracts in human diet.

 Univ Granada, Ctr Invest Biomed, Inst Nutr & Tecnol Alimentos, Dept Nutr & Bromatol, Granada, Spain

Fernandez-Miyakawa, M:
 Consejo Nacl Invest Cient & Tecn, Inst Nacl Tecnol Agr, Inst Patobiol, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina

Giovando, S:
 Ctr Ric Chim Fine Srl, San Michele Mondovi, CN, Italy

Rufian-Henares, J:
 Univ Granada, Ctr Invest Biomed, Inst Nutr & Tecnol Alimentos, Dept Nutr & Bromatol, Granada, Spain

 Univ Granada, Inst Invest Biosanitaria Ibs GRANADA, Granada, Spain
ISSN: 17564646

Elsevier BV, PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, Reino Unido
Tipo de documento: Article
Volumen: 49 Número:
Páginas: 188-195
WOS Id: 000447818000020