Mastitis update

Por: Espinola-Docio, B, Costa-Romero, M, Diaz-Gomez, N and Paricio-Talayero, J

Publicada: 1 dic 2016
Categoría: Pediatrics, perinatology and child health

Mastitis is one of the main causes of avoidable cessation of breastfeeding which increases morbidity in childhood, however, there is no uniformity in diagnostic and therapeutic criteria. The diagnosis of acute mastitis is mainly clinical. Only in certain cases, a milk culture is indicated. Regarding treatment of mastitis, it is fundamental to empty the breast, so breastfeeding should continue. It is recommended to start antibiotic therapy if symptoms persist or if there is considerable clinical impact. There is insufficient evidence of the importance of other types of mastitis (subclinical and subacute). There is also a lack of evidence that these types of mastitis are responsible for breast pain or for low infant weight gain. Furthermore, there is not enough evidence regarding the effectiveness of probiotics in the treatment and prevention of mastitis. The aim of this article is to review the available information related to clinical signs, diagnosis and management of acute mastitis in order to give an updated overview.

Espinola-Docio, B:
 AEP, Comite Lactancia Materna, Columbus, OH 43215 USA

 Serv Salud Comunidad Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Costa-Romero, M:
 AEP, Comite Lactancia Materna, Columbus, OH 43215 USA

 Ctr Salud Luis Vives, Alcala De Henares, Madrid, Spain

 Univ Hosp, Cent Asturias, S Neonatol, Oviedo, Spain

Diaz-Gomez, N:
 Univ La Laguna, Fac Ciencias Salud, Tenerife, Spain

 Hosp Francesc Borja, Valencia, Spain

 Asociac Promoc Invest Lactancia Materna APILAM, Madrid, Spain
ISSN: 03250075

Tipo de documento: Review
Volumen: 114 Número: 6
Páginas: 576
WOS Id: 000390311000017
ID de PubMed: 27869418
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